- Care home
Hilltop Hall Nursing Home
Report from 26 April 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of Assessment: 9 to 20 September 2024
The assessment was undertaken to follow up on enforcement action initiated at our last inspection and to see whether the service had made the necessary improvements and was now compliant with the regulations. We found that whilst there were some improvements there were still significant shortfalls. We found the provider had not taken the action needed to address concerns and breaches found at the past three inspections in how people received care that was personalised and met their needs in a person centred way and how the provider implemented effective and robust systems of governance to ensure they had oversight of the quality and safety of the service they provided. We also found the service had failed to take the action needed in the last two inspections to ensure people received safe care and treatment, including how they were supported safely with medicines and how risks were mitigated and action taken to learn lessons. We also found the provider had not taken sufficient action to address our concerns from our last inspection in how people were supported with consent and choice. There were also repeat shortfalls in how the provider ensured suitably qualified, experienced and competent staff were appropriately inducted to the service and received the training and support they needed to carry out their role effectively, and how the provider ensured safe recruitment of staff and ensured all staff at the home, including agency were suitable to work there. These six breaches of regulation were ongoing concerns at our last inspection and shortfalls in governance and personalised care had been ongoing concerns over a number of inspections. However, improvements were noted in how people were supported with diet and fluids.
People's experience of this service
Feedback from people was that the service had improved since we last visited. We observed people enjoy time with staff and kind and caring interactions. People generally told us they were supported by a consistent staff team and staff supported them as they wished. One person told us, “It’s mostly the same people I know them by name. Sometimes they have Agency but not much. If they are on, I just tell them what to do.” People generally told us the food had improved and said, “We get a menu to choose from and although the food is better than it used to be sometimes, I would like a bit more variation.” Relatives were happy with the care and support being provided and one relative told us, “[Family member] looks better now and we can see from the way they treat them that they are well looked after, and we have no concerns about when we leave here after visiting.”