Updated 10 January 2022
Preventicum UK Limited provides a range of personal, doctor-led, health assessments carried out by a team of medical experts including doctors and radiographers. All assessments include detailed consultations with a Preventicum doctor who oversees all assessments and patients receive same-day results which includes a detailed personalised health report.
The clinic is located at Cursitor Building 38 Chancery Lane London WC2A 1EN. The building entrance is accessed via a staircase leading down to a lower floor where the reception is located. However, there is a lift on the ground floor that can be accessed by patients. The service has a variety of consultation and clinical rooms, and all patients are allocated their own en-suite room on arrival to relax in between assessments as they take approximately five to six hours on average.
The opening hours are 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday by appointment. The team comprises of a medical director, a service development manager, marketing manager, imaging services manager, GPs, radiologists, radiographers, sonographers, nurse, HCA’s and an administration team. The service is part of an international clinic network and is the only one in the UK.
How we inspected this service
We reviewed information sent to us by the provider remotely prior to attending the site to reduce the time spent on site in line with our Covid- 19 inspecting guidance. We spoke with staff at the clinic which included the medical director, the imaging services manager, the service development manager, the marketing manager, the nurse, the HCA, the lead sonographer (and wellbeing lead) and other operational staff. We looked at records related to patient assessments and the provision of care and treatment. We also reviewed documentation related to the management of the service. We reviewed patient feedback.
To get to the heart of patients’ experiences of care and treatment, we always ask the following five questions:
• Is it safe?
• Is it effective?
• Is it caring?
• Is it responsive to people’s needs?
• Is it well-led?