Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice
This is a focused follow-up inspection of the practice of Mrs Elaine Evans for areas within the key questions safe. We now found the practice to be good in providing safe services.
We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at the practice of Mrs Elaine Evans on 31 March 2016. The rating for the practice was good. The full comprehensive report on the 31 March 2016 inspection can be found by selecting the ‘all reports’ link for Mrs Elaine Evans on our website at www.cqc.org.uk.
At our previous inspection on 31 March 2016, we rated the practice as requires improvement for providing safe services as the arrangements in place for managing the following issues were not adequate:
In addition we identified the following issues the service should improve:
The systems to record and share learning from significant events and complaints should be improved.
The role of the infection control lead should be clarified to ensure regular practice led audits are undertaken.
All staff should be aware of practice specific policies, such as the whistleblowing policy.
In line with agreed timescales the practice supplied documentary evidence to demonstrate how they had improved their practices in relation to the overview of safety systems and processes since the last inspection.
At this inspection we found that sufficient improvement had been achieved to update the rating for provision of safe services to good. The practice had addressed the breaches of regulation and was now compliant with all regulations. This report covers our findings in relation to those improvements.
Our key findings were as follows:
Oxygen is now available to use in case of an emergency.
The practice has robust procedures and processes to protect patients from harm.
There are good systems to record information and track significant events and complaints.
The practice manager has the lead role for infection control to ensure that regular infection control audits are carried out.
Staff are aware of practice specific policies, such as the whistleblowing policy.
Professor Steve Field (CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP)
Chief Inspector of General Practice