Updated 3 September 2024
Date of assessment 17 September 2024 to 27 September 2024. The service has improved. People were protected from the risk of harm. Risks to people were now identified and managed safely, with guidance for staff on mitigating risks. Care plans now provided detailed advice and information on how to keep people safe, which staff followed. Medicines care plans were now in place and medicines to be taken as required (PRN) were now recorded appropriately. Systems and processes for protecting people from the risk of abuse had improved, with accidents and incidents documented, together with outcomes and lessons learned. Staff understood how to recognise the signs of potential abuse and described the actions they needed to take. The system for considering people's capacity to make specific decisions had improved. The provider has now implemented robust systems to measure and monitor the service overall and to drive improvement. The service has been in Special Measures since 21 April 2023. The provider demonstrated improvements that have been made. The service is no longer rated as inadequate overall or in any of the key questions. Therefore this service is no longer in Special Measures. As a result of these improvements, the service is no longer in breach of regulations and is now rated good overall.