19 November 2013
During a routine inspection
We found that people's privacy and dignity was respected at the clinic. One person told us 'they talk through everything with me in private".
People had access to a range of information about the services provided at the Brook Clinic. People were assisted so that they were able to make an informed choice about care and treatment that was provided.
People who used the service received suitable care and support from the doctors and nurses at the clinic that met their needs.
Access arrangements were not suitable for the needs of some people. The clinic was located on the third floor of a converted fire station. We found that the lift was not working. The manager told us the lift had been out of order for six months. This meant there was an impact on people's ability to access the service. The manager told us there were arrangements for people who were disabled to see staff on the ground floor. However people had to walk three flights of stairs. This also made it hard for people with young children to access the service.
There were effective systems in place that showed that people's experiences at the Brook clinic were monitored and reviewed to improve the service that was provided.