People who use the service understood the care and treatment choices available to them. People said that doctors took time to explain things to them and that they were able to ask questions. People we spoke with said they were usually able to get an appointment within a reasonable time frame. One person said "I called up today and they told me that I could have an appointment for today." People were happy with the care and treatment they received from the service. Comments included "they are good doctors" and "they are very caring." We looked at records for four patients and saw that people's needs were assessed and treatment planned appropriately. People told us that where they had to be referred to a different service for treatment this was done smoothly and as quickly as possible and that all parties were kept informed about that person's needs at all stages.
People told us that they felt safe using the service and that if they had any concerns they would speak to the practice manager or principal GP. Staff we spoke with were aware of their responsibilities with regards to identifying and reporting any concerns about abuse. All staff had completed safeguarding training that was appropriate to their role within the last two years.
We saw that the service had a complaints policy in place however people told us they were not aware of the service's complaints procedure. People we spoke with said that they had not had any reasons to make a complaint about the service.