Sedbergh Medical Practice covers 10 geographical miles of countryside and currently has 4111 patients registered with the service. The practice is a dispensing practice which means if patients live more than one mile from a local chemist their medication is dispensed by the GP practice.
The practice had systems in place to ensure patients who used the service were kept safe and protected from avoidable harm. Care and support was given to patients by a caring team of staff who were responsive to patient’s needs.
There were policies and procedures to support staff whilst carrying out their roles which were kept up dated. Staff had received appropriate training and support to allow them to carry out their roles to a high standard.
The practice was well led and all staff shared the values and beliefs of delivering high quality responsive care to their patients.
Patients told us they were very satisfied with the service they received and it was responsive to their needs.
The practice was currently registered with the Care Quality Commission to deliver care under the following regulated activities: Diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, surgical procedures and treatment of disease and disorder.