The information we reviewed showed the practice has a good track record for maintaining patient safety. The GPs looked at how they could continually improve the service and learn lessons from any incidents that had occurred.
The patients we spoke with as well as those who who completed the CQC comment cards were complimentary about the care and treatment being provided. We heard how the practice had responded to patients views and reviewed the appointment system. We saw that there were a wide range of ways to make appointments from in person to on line and advance appointments were available.
Staff were responsive to patients’ needs and has tried to encourage them to share their views and suggestions. The practice ran a virtual patient participation group, which had 102 members and also completed annual surveys of all their patients.
The building is well-maintained and very clean. Effective systems were in place for the oversight and management of medication. Clinical decisions followed best practice recommendations.
We found that the leadership team were very visible. Governance and risk management measures are in place.
The practice safely and effectively provided services for all patient groups. The staff were caring and ensured all treatments being provided followed best practice guidance.
We found that the practice had met the regulations and provided services that were safe, caring, responsive, well-led and effective.