Our current view of the service
9 January 2025
Date of assessment 21 January 2025 to 27 January 2025. Pacific Care Services Limited is a domiciliary care agency and provides personal care to people living in their own homes. At the time of this inspection 31 people were receiving support with personal care. People had risk management plans, which were kept under review and updated when needed. The service learnt from incidents and made improvements where needed. There were sufficient, well-trained staff to meet people's needs. People were supported to safely take the medicines they had been prescribed. Staff worked with other services to ensure people's needs were met effectively. The service followed the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act. Staff demonstrated a good understanding of people's individual needs. People were involved in decisions about their care. There were regular opportunities for people and relatives to provide feedback about their care. Staff told us they felt well supported by the management team. Quality assurance assessments were used to review the performance of the service. Action was taken based on the findings of the various audits.
People's experience of the service
9 January 2025
People were positive about the quality of the care they or their relative received. Comments included, “The carers are brilliant, I can’t fault them” and “They are really kind, sweet, thoughtful and caring.” People and their relatives told us staff treated them as individuals and with dignity and respect. Staff understood the importance of building positive relationships with people and involving them in all aspects of their care. Relatives confirmed this and complimented how staff interacted and engaged with them and their family members. Comments included, “They absolutely treat me with dignity and respect, they have given me my life back” and “The staff are great, I used to feel a little embarrassed at first but not anymore.” People appreciated having regular staff who they had been able to build up relationships with. They felt their independence had improved with the care they received. People were encouraged to give feedback about their care and support to ensure it was meeting their needs. One relative said, “All the carers are respectful and caring. “They encourage [person] to talk. It’s very much a positive relationship with the carers.” Another said, “The staff have been wonderful, they have been a godsend. I could not be more thankful.” People, and relatives said they were regularly asked for their views and opinions on the care they received and felt their comments were valued by the service. People and their relatives we spoke with said they felt comfortable with raising any concerns. Complaints and concerns were taken seriously and used as an opportunity to improve the service.