Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice
Lostwithiel Medical Practice was inspected on 21 January 2015. This was a comprehensive inspection. Overall, we rated this practice as good.
Lostwithiel Medical Practice provides primary medical services to people living in Lostwithiel and the surrounding areas. The practice provides services to a local population the vast majority of whom are Cornish and is situated in a semi rural location.
At the time of our inspection there were approximately 4,850 patients registered at the service with a team of two male GP partners, together with one female salaried GP and one trainee male GP. GP partners held managerial and financial responsibility for running the business. In addition there was a practice manager, and additional administrative and reception staff.
Patients who use the practice have access to community staff including district nurses, community psychiatric nurses, health visitors, physiotherapists, mental health staff, counsellors, visiting orthopaedic and gastroenterological services, acute care at home team, early intervention team and a community matron.
Our key findings were as follows:
We rated this practice as good. Patients reported having good access to appointments at the practice and liked having a named GP which improved their continuity of care. The practice was clean, well-organised, had good facilities and was well equipped to treat patients. There were effective infection control procedures in place.
The practice valued feedback from patients and acted upon this. Feedback from patients about their care and treatment was consistently positive. We observed a patient centred culture. Staff were motivated and inspired to offer kind and compassionate care and worked to overcome obstacles to achieving this. Views of external stakeholders were positive and were aligned with our findings.
The practice was well-led and had a clear leadership structure in place whilst retaining a sense of mutual respect and team work. There were systems in place to monitor and improve quality and identify risk and systems to manage emergencies.
Patients’ needs were assessed and care was planned and delivered in line with current legislation. This included assessment of a patient’s mental capacity to make an informed decision about their care and treatment, and the promotion of good health.
Suitable staff recruitment, pre-employment checks, induction and appraisal processes were in place and had been carried out. Staff had received training appropriate to their roles and further training needs had been identified and planned.
Information received about the practice prior to and during the inspection demonstrated the practice performed comparatively with all other practices within the clinical commissioning group (CCG) area.
Patients told us they felt safe in the hands of the staff and felt confident in clinical decisions made. There were effective safeguarding procedures in place.
Significant events, complaints and incidents were investigated and discussed. Learning from these events was communicated and acted upon.
We found several examples of outstanding practice. These included:
- The practice delivered outstanding dementia care. There was a GP with an interest in dementia and a dementia nurse at the practice. A GP at the practice had created dementia care guidelines which had been adapted by the local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). The practice had been nominated for an award because of their dementia care by the British Medical Journal. The practice had been a finalist for this award.
- The practice had been EEFO approved. (The term EEFO does not stand for anything. EEFO is a word that has been designed by young people, to be owned by young people) EEFO works with other community services to make sure they are young people friendly. The practice had a nominated EEGO GP and an EEFO nurse. Once a service has been EEFO approved it means that service has met the quality standards. For example, confidentiality and consent, easy to access services, welcoming environment and staff trained on issues young people face. Part of this scheme is the C-Card scheme. The C card is given so that a younger person can get free condoms at different places across Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly.
- The practice had proven its safeguarding processes were robust and had been commended by the local independent safeguarding chair on its effective use of these processes.
- The practice had a very low emergency admission to hospital rate compared to other practices in the locality. This was due to the long standing approach by the practice to personal care and continuity of care.
- GPs at the practice had been instrumental in bringing ultrasound services to Bodmin hospital. This enabled many patients to receive an early diagnosis of their medical conditions at a convenient local site.
- GPs and nurses had created a library of leaflets which could be provided to patients to explain specific medical conditions or procedures. These guides were based on National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance. For example, leaflets were available on spirometry and blood tests.
There were also areas of practice where the provider needed to make improvements.
- The provider should consider arrangements for recording the storage temperature of medicines and the checks made on expiry dates of products.
- The provider should ensure an infection control audit is completed at least every 12 months.
Professor Steve Field (CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP)
Chief Inspector of General Practice