Updated 6 July 2018
The Whickham Practice provides care and treatment to approximately 16,078 patients of all ages from Whickham, Swalwell and the surrounding areas. The practice is part of NHS Newcastle Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group and operates on a General Medical Services (GMS) contract.
The practice provides services from the following address, which we visited during this inspection:
- Whickham Cottage Medical Practice, Rectory Lane, Whickham, Newcastle Upon Tyne,
NE16 4PD
The surgery is located in a part newly built and part Grade 2 listed building. Health visitors, a community podiatrist and children’s speech and language services are based in the same building. There is good access and facilities for patients with disabilities and a lift is available for patients who need to visit the first floor. An on-site car park is available which includes dedicated disabled car parking spaces.
Patients can book appointments in person, on-line or by telephone. Opening hours are as follows:
- Monday and Friday – 8am to 6.30pm
- Tuesday to Thursday – 8am to 7.30pm
Patients registered with the service are also able to access pre bookable GP appointments from 8am to 8pm on a weekday and from 9am to 2pm on a weekend at a nearby extended access facility.
The practice is a teaching and training practice and involved in teaching qualified doctors interested in a career in General Practice and the training of medical students.
The service for patients requiring urgent medical attention out of hours is provided by the NHS 111 service and GatDoc.
The practice has:
- Seven GP partners (three female and four male)
- Three salaried GPs (two female and one male)
- One advanced nurse practitioner (female)
- Five practice nurses (female)
- Four healthcare assistants/phlebotomists (female)
- 23 non-clinical staff members including a practice manager, assistant practice manager, secretarial manager, secretaries, administrators, receptionists and prescribing support assistants.
The average life expectancy for the male practice population is 80 (CCG average 77 and national average 79) and for the female population 83 (CCG average 82 and national average 83). 27% of the practices’ patient population are in the over 65 age group.
At 57%, the percentage of the practice population reported as having a long standing health condition was comparable with the CCG and national averages of 54%. Generally a higher percentage of patients with a long standing health condition can lead to an increased demand for GP services.
At 55% the percentage of the practice population recorded as being in paid work or full time education was lower than the CCG average of 61% and national average of 62%. The practice area is in the eighth most deprived decile. Deprivation levels affecting children and adults were lower than local and national averages.