Updated 17 May 2018
Narrowcliff Surgery is a GP practice which provides services under a Personal Medical Service (PMS) contract for just under 13,500 patients. The main practice is situated in the seaside resort of Newquay, Cornwall. There is an independent pharmacy on the premises.
The practice population area is in the fifth decile for deprivation. In a score of one to ten, the lower the decile the more deprived an area is. The practice distribution and life expectancy of male and female patients is equivalent to national average figures. The practice had a slightly higher than average number of patients aged over 75 and 85 years, (10% of the practice list were over the age of 75 years compared to the national average of 8% and 3% of the patient list were over the age of 85 compared with the national average of 2%). Average life expectancy for the area is similar to national figures with males living to an average age of 78 years and females living to an average of 84 years.
There is a team of nine GPs (four female and five male). Of the nine GPs eight were partners and one was salaried GPs. The whole time equivalent (WTE) of GPs was just over seven WTE.
The team also includes a practice manager, two secretaries, 12 reception staff, five healthcare assistants/phlebotomists and seven nurses.
Patients using the practice have access to community staff including community nurses and health visitors. Patients could also access counsellors, depression and anxiety services, alcohol and drug recovery workers, voluntary services and other health care professionals.
The practice is a teaching practice for student nurses, medical students and GP Registrars (doctors training to become a GP).
The GPs provide medical support to residential care homes and nursing homes in the area and provide weekly ‘ward rounds’ and annual health reviews for these patients.
The practice is registered to provide regulated activities which include:
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury, surgical procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery services and diagnostic and screening procedures and operate from the location of:
Narrowcliff Surgery, Narrowcliff, Newquay, Cornwall. TR7 2QF