Nettlebed Surgery is a GP practice located in the village of Nettlebed, Oxfordshire. The practice provides primary medical services to other major areas, which include Sonning Common, Checkendon, Stonor, Pishill and Assendons. The practice has over 3400 registered patients and is a dispensing practice providing dispensing services to 90% of their registered patients. The practice team consists of two GP partners, a salaried GP, three practice nurses, a dispenser, a practice manager and an administration team. This was the first inspection since registration.
The patients we spoke with were complimentary of the services they received from the practice. The feedback received through patient comment cards was also positive.
The practice provided services which were safe. Systems were in place for reporting and responding to incidents. All safety alerts were dealt with by the GPs and nurses and reception team. The practice had comprehensive safeguarding policies and procedures in place to protect vulnerable patients.
The practice provided services which were effective. Care and treatment to patients was delivered in line with recognised best practice. The practice achieved high results against the national Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), for 2012/13. These included the clinical, organisational, additional services and patient experience domains. The QOF was introduced in 2004 as part of the general medical services contract and is a voluntary scheme for GP practices in the UK. Please note that when referring to information throughout this report, for example any reference to the Quality and Outcomes Framework data, this relates to the most recent information available to the CQC at that time.
The practice was responsive to meeting patient’s needs. A range of clinics and services were offered to patients, which included family planning, antenatal, child immunisation and nurse specialist clinics for long-term conditions. Interpreters were used for patients who did not speak English. Patients we spoke with told us appointments were easy to arrange. Staff were caring and kind and treated patients with respect and dignity.
All staff demonstrated a caring approach. Patients were positive about the care they received. The practice had measures in place to preserve patient privacy and confidentiality.
The practice was well led. There was also clear evidence of accountability for clinical practice seen. The practice had appointed leads in various areas, such as safeguarding, infection control, clinical and information governance. The practice had achieved 100% score in the QOF results in 2012/13 for the patient experience domain.
The practice had systems in place to support specific population groups: older people, people with long term conditions, mothers with babies, children and young people, the working-age population and those recently retired, people in vulnerable circumstances who may have poor access to primary care, people experiencing mental health problems. Patients in all these groups were seen by the practice.
Home visits were arranged for frail and elderly patients. GPs and Nurses signposted elderly patients to various activities provided in the local village. The practice held regular clinics for long terms conditions such as diabetes and asthma. This was to ensure conditions were monitored to help manage symptoms and prevent long term problems. The practice ran various clinics to support the mothers, babies and young children patient group. These included antenatal care, family planning and child immunisation clinics. The practice supported patients who were not able to attend due to work commitments, by offering telephone advice. There were no barriers for patients in vulnerable circumstances. Patients wishing to register at the practice were always accepted. Home visits were provided to patients with mobility difficulties. Patients with mental health care needs had regular appointments with the practice nurse for tests to manage their medicines. The practice held regular counselling clinics.
The practice provides services from:
Nettlebed Surgery, Wanbourne Lane,
Nettlebed, Henley-On-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 5AJ.