During the inspection we spoke with four patients and looked at comments from people on the NHS Choices website. Overall patients were generally satisfied with the service. Patients we spoke with told us that they were treated with respect and were fully involved in decisions about their care and treatment. Comments from patients included, 'The doctors are very friendly and they listen,' 'I am treated with respect,' and 'I can generally get appointments when I want.'Patients received the care and treatment that they needed. The GPs arranged for diagnostic tests to be carried out and referred patients to other services or specialists when necessary. Reviews of patient's care and treatment took place and these were recorded.
Arrangements were in place to ensure that appropriate action was taken in response to incidents or allegations of abuse. Staff were aware of reporting and recording procedures that they needed to follow in response to allegations of abuse.
The provider had a recruitment policy. Essential checks were carried before staff were employed.
There were systems in place to monitor the quality of the service and to make improvements to the service when needed.