During the inspection we spoke with five patients, the practice manager, two general practitioners (GPs), a nurse practitioner and a health care assistant/administrator.Patients we spoke with told us they were very happy with the care and support they received from the practice. Comments from patients were, 'The doctor is lovely. She'll listen to you and explains everything.' 'There's a lot of good care from the nurses here.' And 'Staff are very approachable, they are polite when they deal with us.'
We were able to observe the experiences of patients. We saw that staff treated patients with dignity and respect. We saw that patients were involved in decisions about their care, had their care and treatment needs assessed and that treatment plans were in place.
We saw that there were effective systems in place to reduce the risk and spread of infection.
We found that training was available for staff, they had appraisals and were supported in their roles.
There were effective systems in place to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that patients received.