During our inspection with spoke with five people who used the service. Three of these people were also members of the Group for Patients (G4P). Everyone we spoke with told us that overall they were satisfied with the service they received and had confidence in the abilities of the GPs and nurses. People we spoke with told us that they could easily access appointments. One patient said 'it's quite easy to get an appointment, if I want to see a certain GP then I may have to wait a little longer but I don't mind this'. Another patient we spoke with told us 'The GPs are very proactive and quick to get things sorted.'Patient's views were taken into account in the way the service was provided and delivered in relation to their care. The provider took adequate steps to ensure that patients were protected against the risks of receiving care or treatment that was inappropriate or unsafe.
We found clinical and non-clinical areas were clean and tidy and free from odours. Patients we spoke with said they had no concerns about hygiene standards within the practice. They told us that the GPs and nurses always wore the correct protective equipment, such as gloves, whilst examinations took place.
Patients were cared for, or supported by suitably qualified, skilled and experienced staff. Records we reviewed showed there were recruitment and selection processes in place. The provider and practice managers were aware of the need to assure themselves that new staff were recruited correctly.
During our visit we found the practice had sought the views of patients and acted upon the feedback received. The practice undertook periodical clinical and non-clinical audits throughout the year. There was an effective system in place to identify, assess and manage risks relating to the health, welfare and safety of patients.