We spoke with seven patients during our inspection. They were all very complimentary about the service they received at the surgery. Patients described the service as, 'Excellent', 'Very good' and, 'Absolutely fine'. We saw that patients' views and experiences were taken into account in the way the service was provided and that they were treated with dignity and respect.
The surgery was based over two floors of a large listed high street building. The provider had created ramped access at the rear of the building and patients with mobility difficulties could choose to be treated on the ground floor.
The surgery looked clean and we saw that there were good processes in place to minimise the risk of cross infection.
We were satisfied that the provider made all the appropriate checks on staff before their full employment started. The practice manager regularly checked to ensure that healthcare professionals employed at the surgery were correctly registered with their appropriate professional body.
The surgery had a well-publicised complaints system and we saw that complaints were dealt with appropriately.