21 August 2014
During an inspection in response to concerns
The purpose of the inspection was to check that people who lived in the home were safe and that records held by the provider were appropriate to meet the needs of the people. We also wanted to check that the provider responded appropriately and in a timely manner to any complaints they received.
We spoke with two residents, three members of staff, two relatives, the deputy manager and the provider during our visit. There were 27 people living at the service on the day of our inspection.
We looked at records that related to accidents, incidents and safeguarding concerns. These had been completed fully and held appropriately. We looked at the records that related to the recent incident and saw that the registered manager had identified some information had not been completed as it should have. However, we saw that the registered manager had reminded staff of their duty to complete records fully and that staff had learnt from this.
From the training matrix that we were provided with, we could see that all but three staff had up to date safeguarding vulnerable adults training. We also saw that the service held a flowchart for staff which showed who to contact should they have any concerns. People that we spoke with on the day told us they felt safe living at Quinnell House. One said, “Totally.”
The deputy manager told us that the service had not received any written complaints in the last 12 months. We looked at the complaints folder and saw that the last complaint was in April 2013. This had been responded to and resolved very quickly. The service displayed information on how to make a complaint, although we noted this needed updating. When we asked people if they knew how to make a complaint, one person told us, “I would speak to staff.”
Records held by the service that related to the people who lived there were up to date and appropriate to meet the needs of the people. We were told that the service was gradually moving over to computerised records and we could see that information held on the computer was secure and only accessible by relevant members of staff.