Updated 22 June 2018
Rydings Hall Surgery is situated at Church Lane, Brighouse HD6 1AT. The website for the practice is www.rydingshallsurgery.org.uk
There are currently 8,507 patients registered on the practice list. The practice provides General Medical Services (GMS) under a locally agreed contract with NHS England.
The practice is housed in a two storey building. There are a limited number of parking spaces available on site. Additional parking can be accessed at a nearby pay and display car park. All patient areas, including waiting areas and consulting rooms, are located on the ground floor. The patient areas are accessible for people with limited mobility, or those who use a wheelchair.
The Public Health General Practice Profile shows the majority of the practice population to be of white British origin; with approximately 2% Asian and 1% mixed origin ethnicity.
The level of deprivation in the practice is rated as six, on a scale of one to ten. Level one represents the highest level of deprivation, and level ten the lowest. The age/sex profile of the practice shows a slightly higher than average percentage of patients aged 75 years and older, at 9%, compared to the local average of 7% and the national average of 8%. Average life expectancy for patients at the practice is 79 years for men and 83 years for women, which is the same as the national average.
The practice is staffed by five GP partners, two male and three female. The clinical team is completed by two female practice nurses and one female health care assistant. Supporting the clinical team is a practice manager, and a range of administrative, reception and secretarial staff. The practice is a teaching and training practice, which means it provides opportunities for medical students, physician associate students and nursing students to gain experience of general practice; as well as providing additional training for qualified doctors wishing to specialise in general practice.
The practice is registered with the Care Quality Commission to provide the following regulated activities:
- Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
- Diagnostic and screening procedures
- Maternity and midwifery services
- Surgical procedures
- Family planning
Out of hours care is provided by Local Care Direct which can be accessed by calling the surgery telephone number or by calling the NHS 111 service.
When we returned for this inspection we checked, and saw that the previously awarded inspection ratings were displayed, as required, on the practice website and in the practice premises.