This practice is rated as Good overall. (Previous rating April 2016 – Good)
The key questions at this inspection are rated as:
Are services safe? – Good
Are services effective? – Good
Are services caring? – Good
Are services responsive? – Good
Are services well-led? - Good
We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at Hamd Medical Practice on 20 November 2018 as part of our inspection programme.
At this inspection we found:
- The practice had clear systems to manage risk so that safety incidents were less likely to happen. When incidents did happen, the practice learned from them and improved their processes.
- The practice routinely reviewed the effectiveness and appropriateness of the care it provided. Although performance was below local and national averages in some areas such as childhood immunisation and cervical cancer screening, the practice was able to demonstrate how they had worked to improve these areas. This was supported by unverified data provided during our inspection which confirmed that uptake in these areas were meeting the required standards and targets.
- The practice proactively identified patients with commonly undiagnosed conditions and patients at risk of developing long term conditions such as diabetes. We saw how through systematic identification and monitoring, pre-diabetic patients were identified and referred to prevention programmes to help in preventing the development of diabetes. Furthermore, the practice was able to provide examples of how this approach led to a reduction in patients HbA1c (blood sugar) levels.
- Staff involved and treated patients with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect. Patient feedback was mostly positive with regards to care and treatment overall.
- The practices GP patient survey results were below local and national averages for questions relating to access to care and treatment, in addition to some questions regarding kindness, respect and compassion. The practice provided evidence of an action plan which outlined areas that the practice was working on to improve, however the evidence provided failed to demonstrate if satisfaction rates had improved.
- The practice provided staff with ongoing support. Staff training and learning was tested in a creative and engaging way during practice learning sessions. Staff stated they felt respected, supported and valued. They were proud to work in the practice. We saw that the practice reflected on things that went well and positive performance was celebrated through initiatives such as ‘employee of the month’.
The areas where the provider should make improvements are:
- Continue with efforts to improve uptake rates with regards to childhood immunisation and cervical screening.
- Focus on improving satisfaction rates in response to the below average results of the national GP patient survey.
- Continue to identify and capture carers to ensure they are offered support where needed.
Professor Steve Field CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP
Chief Inspector of General Practice
Please refer to the detailed report and the evidence tables for further information.