When the provider initially registered with the CQC in December 2012 they declared they were non-compliant in two areas: safeguarding people who use services from abuse and cleanliness and infection control. We reviewed these areas at this inspection and found compliance in all areas to the regulations.We spoke with patients, in private, who visited the surgery on the day of our inspection. We spoke with GPs, the practice manager and other team members too.
Patients told us they were very happy with the care and support they received from this practice. Some people said they were happy to see any doctor or nurse as "They are very, very good.' Another told us "They talk to you like they want you to understand. They don't talk down to you.' This meant patients felt their views about their care and treatment were listened to and their needs were met.
We found patients were protected from the risk of abuse.
We saw that there were effective systems in place to reduce the risk and spread of infection.
We found that patients were cared for by staff who received appropriate professional development.
Patients told us that they had not had any need to complain; but if necessary they would speak immediately to either the doctor or the practice manager.