We found the practice was clean with ample seating for patients. The practice was situated within a Health centre offering other services including a pharmacy.We spoke with Six patients on the day. They spoke positively about the practice and commented that they were happy with the care they received.
The practice provided patients with information about the services available through leaflets available throughout the practice.
The practice had electronic and paper patient records in place to record the contact patients had with the service.
We found staff had access to contact details for both child protection and adult safeguarding teams. They were able to describe the appropriate actions to take if they had any safeguarding concerns.
The practice had up to date Infection Prevention Control policies and information available to both staff and patients within the practice.
The practice had a range of policies and procedures in place which supported the safe running of the service.
The practice notice boards provided patents with information about how to raise a concern or complaint.
Patients told us; 'I am happy with my care and know about my asthma and my mum knows too'. 'I am very happy with the appointments process; I am rarely delayed more than a day getting an appointment. The reception staff are good and friendly. There are good nurses and doctors'. 'I just feel the reception staff could inform everyone when the surgeries are running late just to keep you informed and stop people getting annoyed'.