- Dentist
The Vernon Dental Practice
All Inspections
8 January 2014
During a routine inspection
The service had a safeguarding adults and children from abuse policy. We saw from records that staff had attended training in relation to safeguarding people from the risk of abuse and child protection. We spoke with the provider, the practice manager and three staff who were all clear on how to identify and report any concerns about suspected abuse.
We saw that the service was clean and hygienic. There were systems in place to reduce the risk of infection.
Staff told us that they felt supported. One staff member said, "[The practice manager] is really good and [the provider] is lovely.' We saw from records that they had regular meetings and annual appraisals. We also saw in staff files that their professional development had been kept up to date.
The service had an effective complaints procedure in place. We saw that were they had received a complaint this had been investigated and acted on appropriately.