Updated 25 May 2022
HSL (Analytics) LLP is a provider of clinical laboratory diagnostic services, this means they process tests taken at hospitals and other health care settings and provide the results. They test blood samples, tissue samples or other bodily product samples. The service also provides specialist support for other laboratories and for pharmaceutical and biotechnology research.
HSL (Analytics) LLP is a partnership between two NHS trusts and a private medical laboratory provider and has been registered with CQC since 2018 and had a registered manager in place to oversee the service. This service had not previously been inspected by CQC. The service had a central hub that was the registered location and a further 11 satellite locations across London.
The service primarily provides the medical laboratory service for the two NHS trusts they are part owned by. They were also contracted to provide services for GP’s and medical specialists and some independent health care providers. They do not accept private requests from members of the public.
Laboratory tests funded by the NHS must be accredited against a set of standards called ISO 15189. The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) is recognised by the government as the sole national accreditation body and once tests are accredited, there are annual surveillance activities and full re-assessment every fourth year.
In addition, all laboratories must participate in an external quality assurance (EQA) scheme that advises providers of their quality assurance results and how their results compare with other laboratories. This aspect of the service was not inspected.