15 July 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
At our previous inspection we had identified that the provider did not have effective systems in place to risk assess, prevent, detect and control the spread of healthcare associated infections. We judged at the time of our inspection that this had a moderate impact on the people who used the service and we asked the provider to take action. Following the inspection, the provider sent us an action plan which set out how they would address the issues raised.
During this inspection we spoke with four patients who used the service. None of the patients we spoke with had any concerns about the cleanliness of the practice. We also spoke with five members of clinical and administrative staff including the practice manager and a GP (who was also the provider). We found that the provider had made progress in addressing the actions required although we found areas where further action was still needed. The provider lacked a clear lead to take forward infection prevention and control issues at the practice so that infection prevention and control was given appropriate priority.
We noticed that there had been changes to the partnership at the practice since our previous inspection. We have told the provider that they must take immediate action to ensure their registration is correct and that they are operating legally.