Updated 29 January 2019
The Friary Surgery, Queens Road, Richmond, North Yorkshire, DL10 4UJ is located in Friary Hospital, a local community hospital which is a grade two listed building. Parking is available at the practice and is shared with the hospital. Consulting and treatment rooms are all on the ground floor. There is a practice website containing a range of information about the practice and other services .
The practice provides services under a General Medical Services (GMS) contract with the NHS Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby CCG. It is a semi-rural practice situated in Richmond serving Richmond and the surrounding villages.
The registered list size is 5,850 patients and approximately 96% are of white British background. The practice age profile is comparable to the England average with the highest age range being 65 years plus. The age range of 75 years upwards is similar to the local CCG average and slightly above the England average. The proportion of the practice population in the under 18 age group is similar to the local CCG and England average. The practice is a dispensing practice and dispenses to approximately 25% of their patients.
The practice scored eight on the deprivation measurement scale, the deprivation scale goes from one to ten, with one being the most deprived. People living in more deprived areas tend to have a greater need for health services.
The provider is registered with the Care Quality Commission to provide the regulated activities Diagnostic and screening procedures, Family planning, Maternity and midwifery services, Surgical procedures and Treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
The practice has three GP Partners and one salaried GP, two male and two females. The salaried GP works three mornings a week. There are three practice nurses and one health care assistant/phlebotomist all are female. There is a practice manager, dispensary manager and a team of administration, dispensary, reception and secretarial staff.
The practice is a teaching practice which takes final year medical students and Foundation Doctors (FY2). FY2 doctors are in their second year after qualification.
The surgery is open between 8.15am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday. GP appointments are available between 08:30- 12:00pm and 2pm to 6pm. Appointments can be booked up to four weeks in advance. The surgery provides extended opening hours. These usually consist of one evening per week between 6.30pm and 7.30pm for pre-booked GP appointments only. The practice, along with all other practices in the area have a contractual agreement for the Out of Hours (OOHs) provider to provide services when the practice is closed on weeknights, weekends and bank holidays. This has been agreed with the NHS England area team. Patients access the OOHs service by calling NHS 111.