We visited both Little Waltham and Great Notley surgeries as part of our inspection.We spoke with five people who used the surgery. One person said, 'I go to the diabetic clinic and am reviewed by the nurse every six months.' Another person said, 'The doctors are good clinically, but also good on a human level.' We looked at the records of three people and saw their needs had been assessed and care and treatment was planned and reviewed.
Staff had guidance to follow for medicines dispensing work and these were in the process of being updated. There were appropriate arrangements in place for the obtaining, recording and auditing of controlled drugs.
We looked at the files for four members of staff. We saw they had been supported to attend courses and conferences applicable to their job role. One staff member told us, 'I had an induction. I feel supported. It is a really good place to work.'
We looked at three complaints and saw that they had been responded to and investigated within the timescales given in the surgery's procedure.
We saw that people's views had been obtained and there was evidence to show that changes had been implemented following people's feedback, for example advanced booking of appointments with a preferred GP. One person told us, 'I am able to make suggestions. They do listen.'