22 August 2017
During a routine inspection
Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice
We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection of Rode Heath Surgery on 10, 17 and 24 January 2017. The overall rating for the practice was good. However, the practice was rated as requires improvement for providing safe services. The full comprehensive report on the January 2017 inspection can be found by selecting the ‘all reports’ link for Rode Heath Surgery on our website at www.cqc.org.uk.
This inspection was a desk-based review carried out on 22 August 2017 to confirm that the practice had carried out their plan to meet the legal requirements in relation to the breaches in regulation that we identified at our previous inspection in January 2017. This report covers our findings in relation to those requirements and also additional improvements made since our last inspection.
Overall the practice is rated as good and is now rated as good for providing safe services.
Our key findings were as follows:
Action had been taken to ensure that the premises were safely maintained.
Action had been taken to ensure medicines requiring refrigeration were stored within the recommended temperature
In addition, the practice had made the following improvements:
The procedure for tracking blank prescription forms through the practice had been reviewed.
A central record of staff training was now held.
Outcomes from audits were formally shared between clinicians.
The areas where the provider should make improvements are:
Ensure a comprehensive legionella risk assessment is completed.
Professor Steve Field (CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP)
Chief Inspector of General Practice