We spoke with six patients who attended the surgery on the day of our inspection. The patients we spoke with were, without exception, satisfied that staff explained about the choices available to them. One patient said 'They always tell me about my treatment and my options.' Another patient said 'The doctor is really good; she goes through everything with me.' This meant that patients were helped to understand the care and treatment choices available to them.
We saw the practice had safeguarding policies in place for both children and vulnerable adults. There was an identified lead clinician with a clear role to oversee safeguarding within the practice.
We saw the practice was clean, tidy and well maintained. Personal protective equipment and hand hygiene gel was available throughout the practice. Hand washing instructions were also displayed by hand basins and there was a supply of liquid soap and paper hand towels.
We found staff received regular training and supervision. Staff told us they felt supported by their managers.
All of the patients we spoke with said that they knew they could speak to a member of staff if they had a complaint. One patient said "I haven't had to complain but would speak to the reception if I needed to.'