- Community healthcare service
Archived: Lawson Street Health Centre
All Inspections
13 September 2013
During a routine inspection
People who used the service told us that they were very happy with the care, support, advice and treatment that they received. One person said, 'They have made me feel at ease today.' Another person said, 'The staff are really helpful. They told me everything I needed to know and answered all my questions.'
We saw that staff treated people with dignity and respect. We saw that care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that ensured people's safety and welfare.
We saw that there were systems in place to reduce the risk and spread of infection.
We saw that staff received appropriate training and that a process was in place for staff to receive an annual appraisal; however there wasn't a formal system in place for supervision which included one to one support.
We found there was an effective complaints system in place.