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  • Care home

Jubilee Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Potter Hill, Greasbrough, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S61 4NU (01709) 557776

Provided and run by:
Jubilee Care Home Limited

Report from 6 March 2024 assessment

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Updated 24 April 2024

People were supported to achieve good outcomes. Systems were in place to ensure people consented to care and treatment; and were supported to live healthier lives. Staff and external services worked well together. People, family members and external health and social care professionals told us they felt the service was effective.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Assessing needs

Score: 3

People and relatives were complimentary about the home. People and were satisfied with the care they received, and relatives were comfortable knowing their family members were well cared for. People and their relatives felt involved in their care and support. People and their relatives had been involved in developing care plans to meet their individual needs and preferences. One person said, “They [staff] discus my care with me and everything runs smoothly.”

Staff demonstrated they knew how to assess people’s needs and use their care plans to deliver care and support. Staff told us about how they support decision-making for people without capacity through best interest meetings.

Peoples needs were assessed and care and support was delivered in the most appropriate way. Assessments were in place to identify people's needs and then care plans were devised to ensure information was available for staff to deliver safe care. Assessments included rights, communication, accessible information, speech and literacy, personal care needs.

Delivering evidence-based care and treatment

Score: 3

Staff and leaders told us they reviewed people's care plans and risk assessments regularly to ensure people recieved support in line with their needs. Staff told us they knew people well and were able to recognise any changes to people's care quickly.

People’s needs were assessed prior to using the service. The registered manager had recently implemented a new process to ensure assessments were robust. Records evidenced people’s needs were regularly reviewed to ensure their support plans continued to reflect their needs.

People and were satisfied with the care they received, and relatives were comfortable knowing their family members were well cared for. People and their relatives felt involved in their care and support. People and their relatives had been involved in developing care plans to meet their individual needs and preferences. One person said, “They [staff] discus my care with me and everything runs smoothly.”

How staff, teams and services work together

Score: 3

We spoke with visiting professionals who were complimentary about the home and the care people received. One professional said, “Referrals are made in a timely and appropriate way and staff carry out care and support in line with our guidance.” Another professional said, “I can’t fault it here, I really can’t.”

Staff told us they worked together well and felt supported by the registered manager.

Staff worked well together to ensure people's needs were met and supported people to access healthcare when appropriate. We found people had been referred to appropriate professionals when required to ensure they recieved appropriate support in a timely way.

People and were satisfied with the care they received, and relatives were comfortable knowing their family members were well cared for. People and their relatives felt involved in their care and support.

Supporting people to live healthier lives

Score: 3

People and were satisfied with the care they received, and relatives were comfortable knowing their family members were well cared for. People told us they had access to healthcare if they needed it. One person said, "I know a chiropodist and dentist will visit if I need one."

Staff knew people well and understood their individual needs. Staff recognised people’s independence and respected their rights to privacy. The registered manager was very passionate about the care provided and worked consistently hard to make sure people had choice in all aspects of their lives.

Care plans included information about people's past medical history and how current medical needs should be supported. External health professionals felt they were contacted appropriately, and any recommendations made were followed by staff.

Monitoring and improving outcomes

Score: 3

People had up to date, individual, person-centred care plans which reflected latest best practice guidance and these were updated to reflect any changes to people’s needs. Daily records showed people were receiving the care they required as identified in their care plans.

Staff knew people well and understood their individual needs. Staff recognised people’s independence and respected their rights to privacy. The registered manager was very passionate about the care provided and worked consistently hard to make sure people had choice in all aspects of their lives.

Staff demonstrated they knew how to assess people’s needs and use their care plans to deliver care and support. Staff told us about how they support decision-making for people without capacity through best interest meetings.

People were supported to make choices and staff were skilled in identifying people’s needs and preferences. Care plans included information about individual needs and preferences.

Both people and relatives were complimentary about the home. People and were satisfied with the care they received, and relatives were comfortable knowing their family members were well cared for. People and their relatives felt involved in their care and support. Staff knew people well and understood their needs. one staff member explained how people could become anxious, but said, “It’s how you approach them, you get to know when to and when to come back later.” Staff were very caring and respected people.

Staff worked together as a team to ensure people received support in line with their assessed needs. Staff explained how they asked people what they likes and dislikes and respected people’s preferences.