About the service Allison House is a residential nursing home providing personal and nursing care for up to 40 people living with dementia. At the time of the inspection there were 40 people using the service.
People’s experience of using this service and what we found
The provider had systems in place to ensure people were protected from the risk of abuse and harm. Staff had completed safeguarding training. Risks to people were assessed and managed. Incidents and accidents and safeguarding concerns were recorded. People's medicines were administered and managed safely. Health and safety checks were regularly conducted.
Recruitment record keeping was not always effective. The registered manager found all the missing recruitment documentation and confirmed appropriate checks had been conducted. The provider had sourced the support of an external recruitment provider prior to our visit. People had enough to eat and drink and had access to specialist equipment to remain independent. The home used innovative ideas to support people with hydration.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests. The policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
The home had been adapted to ensure people were safe and could be as independent as possible. The provider had plans in place to improve the environment.
People were supported by dedicated, and well-trained staff. People and relatives said staff were caring and kind. The home had a warm friendly atmosphere. Relatives told us they were made very welcome. Staff displayed genuine affection and were kind and considerate when supporting people.
Staff were passionate about making sure people received the best care possible. The provider was responsive to changes in people’s needs. Care records were regularly reviewed to ensure records reflected people’s needs. People had a range of activities to support their emotional, physical and social needs.
The provider worked with external healthcare professionals to support and maintain people’s health. The provider monitored the quality of the service. People, relatives and staff were regularly asked for feedback. The culture of the home promoted positive outcomes for people.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk
Rating at last inspection and update
This service was registered with us on 16 December 2019 and this is the first inspection.
Why we inspected
This was a planned inspection based on the date the service became registered with CQC.
We looked at infection prevention and control measures under the Safe key question. We look at this in all care home inspections even if no concerns or risks have been identified. This is to provide assurance that the service can respond to COVID-19 and other infection outbreaks effectively.
Follow up
We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service, which will help inform when we next inspect.