During the inspection there were 33 people using the service. We spoke with three people who used the service and four relatives and asked them about the care they or their family member received. We carried out a tour of the building and reviewed records relevant to the running of the service. We observed staff interaction with people throughout the home. We spoke with the registered manager, two directors, the director's personal assistant, two care assistants and a nurse. Throughout this inspection we focused on these five key questions; is the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led?
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what we observed, the records we looked at and what people who used the service and the staff told us.
If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
Each person who used the service and the relatives we spoke with told us they or their family member was safe. A person who used the service told us, 'I do feel safe here, the staff help with my care as much as I need.' A relative we spoke with told us, 'I come here two or three times a week. I am very happy overall; my grand dad is definitely safe.'
The people we spoke with and the care plans showed that people were involved with decisions about their care. They were encouraged to be as independent as possible and to do as much for themselves as they could. Staff ensured where support was needed they did so whilst ensuring people's dignity and privacy were respected.
There were procedures in place to identify and prevent abuse to people occurring. Staff showed a good knowledge of the referral process and could explain the process they would follow, both internally and externally, should they suspect someone had been the victim of abuse.
The CQC monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) which applies to care homes. We found the provider currently had a DOLS in place for one person, who was living with dementia and was at risk from absconding from the home. An application to prevent the person from leaving the home unattended had been made to the authorising authority and this had been granted. We reviewed the paperwork and saw that on the whole it had been completed correctly.
Is the service effective?
People told us they felt their needs were being met. A relative, whose family member had recently moved to the home, told us the registered manager had handled the admission process with respect and understanding.
Staff spoken with had a good knowledge of people's needs. We saw staff interact with people in an effective way. A relative, whose family member was of Italian origin, had recently lost their ability to speak English and could only communicate in Italian. They told us the registered manager had asked them for some Italian phrases that help them to alleviate any behaviour that challenges. The relative told us, 'They are really trying to help him, you can't fault the staff.'
We looked at four staff personnel and training records and the training matrix. The matrix showed there were substantial gaps in the training that staff had completed, although the registered manager assured us staff were appropriately trained.
We asked to see the registered manager's staff supervision and appraisal records. Records seen showed that staff, on the whole had received only one supervision in the past nine months. Not all staff had received an appraisal and the documentation that had not always been fully completed.
Training records also indicated that few staff had achieved or were currently working towards professional qualifications, such as NVQ in Adult Social Care (now referred to as Diplomas).
Staff told us on the whole they felt they had received the training relevant to their role, although, due to the current needs of some people who used the service they would like further Dementia training. The registered manager told us they were aware of this training need and this would be arranged.
Is the service caring?
We observed staff interact with people throughout the day. Staff were calm, patient and caring in their approach. Staff took the time to sit and talk to people and when people needed reassurance staff knew how to provide this. A person who used the service told us, 'I am well looked after here, the food is good and the staff help me and do what I ask.' Another person told us, 'The staff are very kind, they listen to me.'
We observed activities taking place and lunch and afternoon snacks being served. Staff assisted people, where required, with eating their lunch. When they supported someone, they ensured they had their full attention and spoke to them in a way that ensured they treated them with the respect and dignity they deserved.
Is the service responsive?
People's individual needs were assessed and responded to appropriately. We saw staff respond to a variety of different situations throughout the day. We viewed a member of staff assist people with an arts and crafts activity. They demonstrated a good knowledge of people's individual needs and adapted their approach accordingly. We saw the member staff provide encouragement where needed, but also left people who were more able, to take part in the activity independently.
A relative of a person who used the service told us their family member had recently lost their ability to speak English (they were of Italian origin) and could now only speak Italian. They told us the registered manager had responded to this by requesting key Italian words and phrases from them that would assist them in providing safe and effective care for them. The relative told us they were relieved the home were prepared to make these provisions to ensure their family member was not isolated due to the language barrier.
People's care and support was planned and delivered in a way that protected them from unlawful discrimination. People's rights were respected and their beliefs and values were incorporated into their care plan.
Is the service well-led?
Staff, relatives and people who used the service on the whole spoke highly of the registered manager. A relative of a person who used the service told us, 'The manager is really good, although they could feedback to us a bit more often.' Another relative told us, 'I have a really good feeling about this place; the manager takes the time to talk to me, which really helps.' A staff member we spoke with told us, 'The manager is approachable; I can go and speak to them if I need to.'
There was a lack of regular monitoring of the quality of service people received. The registered manager could not provide records that showed they conducted regular checks that enabled them to assess the standard of the care provided by staff or the environment that people lived in.
Recommendations made by the registered manager, following accidents or incidents were not always followed up. We saw a complaints procedure in the reception area for relatives but not for people who used the service. The registered manager was also unaware that the notes recorded for a person who was receiving one to one care contained limited information and according to the relative of this person, did not always accurately reflect what had occurred during the one to one period.