The inspection team who carried out this inspection consisted of two inspectors to answer five key questions; is the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led? Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what we observed, the records we looked at and what people using the service, their relatives and the staff told us.
If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
Prior to our visit we reviewed all the information we had received from the provider. The inspection took place over one day and was undertaken by two inspectors. All the people who used the service had complex needs and required a high level of support. We used a number of different methods to help us understand their experiences when we undertook our visit. We spoke with a relative of a person who was residing at the home. We also spoke with two staff and the registered manager. We looked at some of the records held in the service including the support files for three people. We observed the support people that who used the service received from staff and carried out a tour of the building.
There was a registered manager in post who was available throughout our inspection.
Is the service safe?
We asked a relative of a person who was residing at the home if they felt people's safety was promoted. They told us, 'It's absolutely safe. I can visit at any time and I have no concerns.' They also told us they felt confident in discussing any concerns or complaints with the management team and said, 'We have very good communication and we are listened to. I feel confident in reporting any complaints.'
We found that an on call system was in operation to ensure a member of the management team would be available at all times should an emergency situation arise.
We found staff were able to obtain relevant qualifications pertinent to their roles and responsibilities at the home and systems were in place to ensure their annual refresher training remained in date.
Is the service effective?
Systems were in place to ensure that people's individual support needs was delivered in such a way as to meet people's individual requirements and preferences.
We found staff had a good understanding of people's individual requirements which were documented in support plans that had been reviewed appropriately. A person's relative told us they felt their relation's needs were well understood and said, 'All the staff have a really good understanding of my relative's needs.'
Is the service caring?
Throughout the day of our inspection we observed staff were caring in their approach. They were addressing people in a respectful manner and created a calm and purposeful atmosphere. A person relative said, 'There is a good mix of staff. I feel they are very caring."
Is the service responsive?
We found that systems were in place to ensure that effective needs assessments could be performed prior to people gaining residency at the home. We also found an on-going review process was undertaken to ensure people's changing needs and aspirations could be identified and addressed
Is the service well-led?
The registered manager was available throughout the day of our inspection. We found they were fully aware of what was expected of them and demonstrated enthusiasm and commitment in developing the quality of service provision.
A person's relative told us they felt confident in discussing any areas of service provision with the registered manager and said they felt any concerns or complaints would be addressed to their satisfaction.
Staff also told us they felt supported by the registered manager. Comments included, 'We receive positive reinforcement from our manager. It's very motivating,' and, 'Our manager is fantastic and very supportive.'
We found the registered manager was in the process of conducting a satisfaction survey so people residing at the home, their advocates and staff could make comments about the quality of the service provision. The registered manager told us that the purpose of the survey was to glean information which would be analysed and form part of the organisation's future business development plans.
The provider was responsible for a number of other homes that delivered additional regulated activities that were not provided at this home. They had prepared a set of policies and procedures to cover all of their services and we found these to be generic in nature. We found there were policies and procedures at the home that were not suitable to the location. For example the policy on administration of medication stated, 'Any medicines discontinued by the prescriber must be crossed through and signed and dated by either the prescriber or a registered nurse.' However, this service did not employ any nurses.