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Shauna Health Care Service Solutions Limited

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

BIZSPACE, Discovery Court Business Centre 551-553, Wallisdown Road, Poole, BH12 5AG 07777 498692

Provided and run by:
Shauna Health Care Service Solutions Limited

All Inspections

23 June 2023

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We expect health and social care providers to guarantee people with a learning disability and autistic people respect, equality, dignity, choices and independence and good access to local communities that most people take for granted. ‘Right support, right care, right culture’ is the guidance CQC follows to make assessments and judgements about services supporting people with a learning disability and autistic people and providers must have regard to it.

At the time of the inspection, the location did not care or support for anyone with a learning disability or an autistic person. However, we assessed the care provision under Right Support, Right Care, Right Culture, as it is registered as a specialist service for this population group.

About the service

Shauna Health Care Service Solutions Limited is a domiciliary care agency providing personal care and support to people living in their own homes. Not everyone who used the service received personal care. At the time of this inspection 62 people were receiving the regulated activity of personal care from the service. CQC only inspects where people receive personal care. This is help with tasks related to personal hygiene and eating. Where they do, we also consider any wider social care provided.

People’s experience of using this service and what we found

Right Support:

People received care and support in their own homes, there were appropriate risk assessments in place to support them and maintain their environment.

People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.

People were supported by appropriate numbers of staff who provided person-centred care and support. Staff communicated with people in ways that met their needs, people told us staff were kind. Staff supported people with daily living tasks in a way that promoted their independence and achieved the best possible outcomes.

Right Care:

Staff understood how to protect people from poor care. Staff had training on how to recognise and report abuse and they knew how to raise concerns.

The care plans for people using the service reflected the principles and values of ‘Registering the Right Support’ by promoting choice and control, independence, and inclusion. Care plans and risk assessments were detailed and person-centred ensuring people were supported to live full, active lives and encourage them to be as independent as possible.

Right Culture:

Staff told us they were proud to work at Shauna Health Care Service Solutions Ltd. The service was well led with a focus on the recruitment, training, and development of staff. This ensured that people received a safe, caring, and responsive service. Staff had confidence in the leadership of the service and felt the service was well led. Staff demonstrated good understanding around providing people with person centred care and spoke knowledgably about how people preferred their care and support to be given.

For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk

Rating at last inspection

The last rating for this service was good (published 28 April 2021).

Why we inspected

We received concerns in relation to whether people’s individual risks were assessed. As a result, we undertook a focused inspection to review the key questions of safe and well-led only.

For those key questions not inspected, we used the ratings awarded at the last inspection to calculate the overall rating. The overall rating for the service has remained the same based on the findings of this inspection.

We found no evidence during this inspection that people were at risk of harm from this concern. Please see the safe and well led sections of this full report.

Follow up

We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service, which will help inform when we next inspect.

8 April 2021

During a routine inspection

About the service

Shauna Health Care Service Solutions Limited is a domiciliary care service which provides support to older people and younger adults some of whom have a physical disability, sensory impairment or dementia. At the time of the inspection 21 people were being supported with personal care. CQC only inspects where people receive personal care. This is help with tasks related to personal hygiene and eating. Where they do, we also consider any wider social care provided.

People’s experience of using this service and what we found

Staff understood their responsibility to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when supporting people to keep them safe and comply with government guidance.

People were supported by staff who had received safeguarding training and demonstrated a good understanding of how to keep people safe from harm or abuse. Risks in people’s lives were assessed and managed with their involvement.

The service had a recruitment and selection process that helped reduce the risk of unsuitable staff supporting people. Staff had an induction and an ongoing programme of training which helped them meet people’s individual needs. The service understood the importance of keeping people healthy by timely contact with health professionals.

Staff asked for people’s consent before offering to support them. Where people lacked capacity to make particular decisions, they were supported by staff who were trained and worked in line with the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.

People told us staff were always kind, caring and respectful. They enjoyed their company and felt listened to. Relatives described the positive contribution staff had made to their family member’s quality of life.

Staff had been trained to support people who required end of life care. Relatives and professionals spoke positively about the sensitive and supportive approach provided at this time.

Staff told us they got on well with colleagues and enjoyed working for the service. They all felt very well supported by the manager who encouraged feedback and provided opportunities for professional development. A range of audits were undertaken to help maintain the quality of the service and identify where improvements could be made.

The service had established and maintained good working relationships with other agencies and was working with system partners to support people’s successful discharge from hospital.

For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk

Rating at last inspection

This service was registered with us on 22/07/2020 and this is the first inspection.

Why we inspected

The inspection was prompted in part due to concerns received about infection prevention and control, moving and repositioning and end of life care. A decision was made for us to inspect and examine those risks.

We found no evidence during this inspection that people were at risk of harm from this concern. Please see the Safe, Effective and Responsive sections of this full report.

Follow up

We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. If we receive any concerning information we may inspect sooner.