- NHS mental health service
Ash Ward, Willow Ward and Wessex House
All Inspections
3 September 2013
During a routine inspection
Both wards provided clean modern facilities in single storey accommodation. All areas were well furnished and decorated in line with the needs and risks of the people who used the service.
People we spoke with were very happy with the care and support they received. One person on Willow Ward told us 'This is the best ward I've ever been on. They have definitely supported me to move forward.'
The staff carried out hourly observations on each person who stayed on the ward to ensure their safety. We saw that where someone's risk assessment indicated their risks had increased these observations were increased accordingly.
Staff told us that it was a good place to work and they felt well supported in their roles.
There was information on the wards about the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALs) and the advocacy service available to people. There was no information on either ward setting out how to make a formal complaint. This meant that people on the wards did not have clear information about the Trust's complaints policy or what they could expect to happen if they made a complaint.