• Prison healthcare

HMP Morton Hall

Swinderby, Lincoln, LN6 9PT (01522) 666803

Provided and run by:
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

All Inspections

During an assessment under our new approach

We carried out a desktop focused inspection of healthcare services provided by Nottinghamshire NHS Foundation Trust (NNFT) at HMP Morton Hall.

The purpose of this inspection was to determine if the provider was meeting the legal requirements and regulations under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and that patients were receiving safe care and treatment.

We do not currently rate services provided in prisons. We highlight good practice and issues that service providers need to improve and take regulatory action as necessary. At the previous inspection we found that there was no provision for therapeutic intervention.

At this inspection we found that the provider had worked hard to progress towards a safe service for patients, new staff had been recruited and some existing staff had attended additional training in psychological interventions. We found that the provider was now compliant with regulation 12, Safe care and treatment.

We conducted interviews with staff and the head of healthcare. We reviewed a range of information submitted by the provider including staff training records, recent appointments, patient information leaflets, waiting lists, group intervention timetables and patient pathways.

HMP Morton Hall is near Lincoln and was an immigration removal centre. Since 2021, it has been a closed category C resettlement prison exclusively reserved for

foreign national prisoners. The provider is registered with the CQC to provide the following regulated activities at the location: Treatment of disease, disorder or injury, and Diagnostic and screening procedures. Our last joint inspection with HMIP was in November 2023. The joint inspection report can be found at https://cloud-platform-e218f50a4812967ba1215eaecede923f.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/sites/19/2024/03/Morton-Hall-web-2023.pdf