- NHS mental health service
Archived: The Carleton Clinic
All Inspections
22 January 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
The advance nurse practitioner (ANP) held a well being clinic on the unit once a week and every new person admitted underwent a full physical health screening. One member of staff told us, 'The trust has invested more into the physical health needs of people during the last six months.'
We saw evidence of care plan audits and handover audits being undertaken to ensure that staff were completing these correctly. The audit undertaken by the ANP in November 2012 demonstrated that there had been an improvement in the completion of records.
8 October 2012
During an inspection looking at part of the service
The ward manager provided a summary report each month for the LD Clinical Governance Committee regarding safeguarding and restraint incidents, actions taken and any lessons learned. The trust confirmed that the logging and incident protocol had been reviewed and strengthened. This was to ensure that repeated incidents which were associated with the same person, were now included and assessed as part of the monitoring systems.
24 July 2012
During an inspection in response to concerns
However other comments were: 'I try not to ask them because I feel I am getting in the way' and 'they are understaffed.'
The reports from the patient feedback meetings reported that the ward was extremely busy and staff had been 'run off their feet' to the extent that some patients said that they had not felt able to approach staff with simple needs as they felt this would take the staff away from 'important duties'.
18 November 2011
During a themed inspection looking at Learning Disability Services
Patients told us that staff were helping them to sort out their problems and to move on.
When staff had used restraint on them, those spoken to said that this had been agreed prior to it happening and was part of their care plan.
Patients were all very focused on their plans for discharge, and had a good understanding of why they had been admitted to the unit. One patient was being discharged on the day we inspected after being at the service for two weeks. They were keen to tell us that they had enjoyed their stay and were feeling much calmer and was ready to go home.
Two relatives told us that although Edenwood was along way from home, they felt well informed and included in the care of their relative. They commented that the experience and stay at Carlton Clinic for their relative had been a positive one.