- NHS mental health service
Archived: Warrington
All Inspections
During an inspection looking at part of the service
15 November 2011
During a themed inspection looking at Learning Disability Services
We talked with five patients at the service and observed all nine patients over the two days. Patients told us they could talk to staff and we observed staff treating patients respectfully. One patient said 'staff make me feel respected, staff look after me.'
Patients reported that they were involved in decisions and planning their care and including plans for discharge as well.
One patient told us: 'I know all about my care plan.' 'I have a copy of my care plan in my bedroom and I will take it with me when I move.'
'I am happy here but happy to move on.' 'I've got to move on ' it's a hospital.'
Relatives told us they were happy with the service provided, the skills of staff and they felt informed and included in the care provided to patients. They said that staff did their best to protect patients from harm by others or themselves. They were invited to review meetings and were involved in care planning.
Overall patients expressed the view that staff in the Auden Unit were helping them to move on to longer term accommodation that was more suited to their needs.