Updated 3 January 2017
We were assured from our inspection that the trust were managing a serious allegation of patient abuse in line with trust policy.
We did not find any evidence to suggest that the incident was part of a culture of abusive practice. It appeared to be a one off incident which the police had begun to investigate.
Staffing levels on the day of the incident were low due to unexpected sickness. However, rotas and staff confirmed that this was not usual.
The trust had sought independent reviews and conducted internal assurance visits over the last six months to monitor safeguarding concerns raised.
- We found two out of five risk assessments had not been completed.
- Staff told us that since the no smoking policy was implemented in May 2106, there had been an increase in the amount leave granted to detained patients for the purpose of leaving the premises to smoke. This impacted upon direct patient care, as it generated extra paperwork.