5 February 2013
During a routine inspection
We found that people were consulted and involved in planning their care and treatment. People told us that their dignity was protected by the use of a curtain around each bed but their privacy was not always assured when conversations about their health and treatment were discussed.
Care, treatment and support records were complete and up to date. People said that nursing staff were excellent and provided them with the care and treatment they required.
We found that there were arrangements in place to deal with foreseeable emergencies and that episodes of potential or actual risk to people receiving care and treatment were recorded, discussed and preventative measures were put in place to ensure they were safe.
There were adequate numbers of skilled and qualified nursing and health care staff to assist people and meet their needs.
People told us that they were regularly asked if they were satisfied with the care, attention and treatment they received. Audits were carried out that ensured that the quality of care and treatment people received was monitored.