11 March 2014
During a routine inspection
A 'no new admission policy' had been placed on the service during 2013 by the commissioners due to restructuring. We had been told that the service will probably close by the end of March 2014. As a result only two people received care on the day of our inspection. Plans were being made for both people to be transferred to alternative appropriate care providers.
We met and spoke with both of the people who used the service, four members of staff and a health care professional who provided specialist input to the people who used the service. People we spoke with made positive comments about the care that they received. One person who used the service said, "It is good here. They look after me" and, 'The staff know how to look after me'. A staff member told us, "We provide good care here".
We found that people were treated politely and that their privacy and dignity was maintained. We saw good interactions between people who used the service and staff. We observed that people were very much at ease in the company of staff. We saw that people's needs had been assessed by a range of health care professionals including specialist doctors and the dietician. This meant that action had been taken so that people's health and care needs would be monitored and met.
Staff had received training to help them recognise abuse and inform them of who they should report to if they had a concern.
The service comprised of three separate domestic style houses. We looked at parts of two of the three houses and found that the premises were warm, clean and adequately safe .
We determined that staffing levels were adequate to ensure that people's needs were met and that they were safe.
We found that some systems had been used to monitor how the service had been run to benefit the people that lived there.