M D Homes
This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect
Registration details
The provider ID for M D Homes is 1-101694772.
These are the registration details of the provider M D Homes. They set out what services M D Homes can legally provide, where they can provide them and who is responsible for them.
Dr Nizar Merali, Mr Shiraz MeraliAccommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
1. By the first Monday of each month you must send to the Commission a report that will detail the steps you have taken to ensure each of the points below has been actioned and details of how you ensure they will continue to be actioned as required.
� A review of the needs of each service user and of their current level of risk must be carried out by a suitably qualified person and the results detailed in writing in each service user�s care plan.
� Nutritional needs of all service users are met in accordance with their revised care plan.
� Skin integrity needs of service users are fully reviewed and met in accordance with their revised care plan.
� Personal care needs are met with immediate effect and a review of the current needs of each person using the service is undertaken, and met in accordance with that review of their care plan.
� Behavioral needs are reviewed, with particular regard to refusing personal care and for people who has behavior that may challenge others, and met in accordance with their care plan.
� Training is provided to ensure staff are able to meet the specific needs of each service user, particularly in areas such as conditions that relate to supporting people with their enduring mental health needs.
You must undertake a full review of your governance systems to ensure that they are accurate and relevant to your service. Of this condition coming into effect, you must provide the commission with a document which sets out the full particulars of the auditing and governance system that is being implemented at the location. The document must set out fully:
� How you will ensure that people are receiving safe care, and risks to their health and welfare are mitigated
� How the system will ensure that the risks associated with the unsafe care provided to people will be fully mitigated.
� How any untoward incident affecting people�s health and well-being is identified and how this triggers appropriate actions to ensure people`s safety.
� How any learning points identified by the system for relevant staff are promptly addressed and implemented to ensure care being provided is effective at all times.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must ensure that the regulated activity accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of the activity, as carried on at or from all locations.
Registered services
- Northwood Nursing Home
- Frithwood Nursing Home
- Eastbury Nursing Home
- Carrick House Nursing Home
- Mountview
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must ensure that the regulated activity treatment disease and disorder is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of the activity, as carried on at or from all locations.