Mrs Victoria Lavender-Mew
This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect
Registration details
The provider ID for Mrs Victoria Lavender-Mew is 1-101709352.
These are the registration details of the provider Mrs Victoria Lavender-Mew. They set out what services Mrs Victoria Lavender-Mew can legally provide, where they can provide them and who is responsible for them.
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must ensure:
a) Within seven days of this notice the registered provider must conduct a review of medicines at Bedwardine House Residential Care Home identifying risks and actions to be taken to mitigate those risks and produce a report of their findings.
b) Within seven days of this notice the registered provider must establish and implement an effective system for the review and analysis of care plans and risk assessments at Bedwardine House Residential Care Home.
c) Within seven days of this notice the registered provider must conduct a full review of accidents and incidents at Bedwardine House Residential Care Home. The provider must produce a report which analyses accidents and incidents and contains actions the provider will take to mitigate risk.
d) Within seven days of this notice the registered provider must implement an effective system to review and analyse infection control at Bedwardine House Residential Care Home including the correct use of PPE (personal protective equipment).
2. No later than seven days after this condition comes into effect the Registered Provider must send the Care Quality Commission an action plan/ written report confirming and showing how a) to d) above have been completed.
3. After submission of the first action plan/ written report, the Registered Provider must send a monthly report on the first Monday of the month to the Care Quality Commission. The report should contain the findings of the audits, monitoring and quality assurance systems, details of the timescales for improvements and who will be responsible for them.