Turning Point
This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect
Registration details
The provider ID for Turning Point is 1-102642564.
These are the registration details of the provider Turning Point. They set out what services Turning Point can legally provide, where they can provide them and who is responsible for them.
Personal care
Ms Davinder Jhuty is responsible for these services.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must ensure that the regulated activity Personal care is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of that activity at or from all locations.
Registered services
- Turning Point - Coqbeck Support Domiciliary Care Agency
- Turning Point - Timberlea (Dom Care)
- Turning Point- Nottingham MH Supported Accommodation- Hunger Hill
- Turning Point - Bradford
- Turning Point Hertfordshire MH Carers Support
- Turning Point - City of Manchester Learning Disabilities Supported Living
- Turning Point - Cumbria Learning Disabilities Supported Living
- Gloucestershire Learning Disabilities Supported Living Service
- Turning Point - Barnsley
- The Willows Supported Living Service
- Turning Point - Cambridgeshire & Peterborough
- Turning Point - Tameside
- Turning Point - Northamptonshire & Milton Keynes
- Turning Point - Kent DCA
- Coalpit Flats
- Turning Point - Salford and Bolton Learning Disabilities Supported Living
- Turning Point - Staffordshire Learning Disabilities Supported Living
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Ms Davinder Jhuty is responsible for these services.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must ensure that the regulated activity Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of that activity at or from all locations.
Registered services
- Turning Point - Parkview
- Turning Point - Sybden
- Turning Point - Marloes Walk
- Turning Point - Masons Road
- Turning Point - Avondale
- Turning Point - Birchwood Nursing Home
- Turning Point - Hollygrove
- Turning Point - Russell Terrace
- Turning Point - Alfred Minto House Care Home
- Turning Point - Brickfields Cottage
- Turning Point - Kent LD Residential – Lenacre Avenue
- Hancox Close
- Turning Point - The Cedars
- Pemdale
- Franklin Avenue
- Reevy Road Care Home
- Rix House
- Sheldon Ridge
Accommodation for persons who require treatment for substance misuse
Mrs Natalie Joanna Travis is responsible for these services.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must ensure that the regulated activity Accommodation for persons who require treatment for substance misuse is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of that activity at or from all locations.
Registered services
- Turning Point - Smithfield Detoxification Unit
- Turning Point - Stanfield House
- Turning Point - Leigh Bank Rehabilitation
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Mrs Natalie Joanna Travis is responsible for these services.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must ensure that the regulated activity Treatment of disease, disorder or injury is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of that activity at or from all locations.
Registered services
- Turning Point Herefordshire Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service
- Turning Point Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Service - City of Westminster and RBKC
- Turning Point Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Service - Hammersmith and Fulham
- Turning Point - Pendlebury House
- Turning Point - Smithfield Detoxification Unit
- Turning Point - Birchwood Nursing Home
- Turning Point - Douglas House
- Turning Point Leicestershire and Rutland Substance Misuse
- Turning Point Leicester City Substance Misuse
- Turning Point Lincolnshire PHSU Recovery Partnership
- Turning Point Oxfordshire
- Turning Point - Suffolk SU Drug and Alcohol Service
- Turning Point Somerset Maltravers House
- Slough Treatment Advice and Recovery Service
- Sheldon Ridge
- Turning Point IMPACT
- Turning Point Rochdale and Oldham
- Turning Point -Wakefield Inspiring Recovery Integrated Substance Misuse
- Turning Point - City of London and Hackney Integrated Drug & Alcohol Service
Assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the Mental Health Act 1983
Ms Gillian Campbell is responsible for these services.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must ensure that the regulated activity Assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of that activity at or from all locations.