Mrs. Mercy Amartiokor Cofie-Cudjoe Also known as Alexandra Lodge
This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect
Registration details
The provider ID for Mrs. Mercy Amartiokor Cofie-Cudjoe is 1-3180771029.
These are the registration details of the provider Mrs. Mercy Amartiokor Cofie-Cudjoe. They set out what services Mrs. Mercy Amartiokor Cofie-Cudjoe can legally provide, where they can provide them and who is responsible for them.
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must not admit or readmit any new service or previous users to Alexandra Lodge Care Home without prior written agreement of the Care Quality Commission.
The registered provider must review systems and processes around falls management, staff training, accident and incident reporting and implement policies and procedures for these areas by 26 May 2023. The registered provider must send the Care Quality Commission a report detailing these reviews and any changes and copies of these policies and procedures by no later than 12pm on 26 May 2023.
The registered provider must conduct and send the Care Quality Commission a full health and safety audit of the premises by 12pm, 22 May 2023, including but not limited to fire safety, window restrictors, trip hazards, hot surfaces and the securing of furniture that could increase falls related risks. This report must identify any remedial action needed, who is responsible for these actions and a planned completion date. The provider is to send CQC reports on the progress of these actions on the first Monday of each month thereafter until the completion of the action plan.
The registered provider must complete a staff training matrix detailing compliance with local contractual obligations. The provider is to submit this training matrix alongside an action plan detailing plans to complete any identified uncompleted staff training by 2 June 2023. These plans are to identify who is delivering the training and the delivery method.