14 – 15 December 2016
During an inspection of Community health services for adults
There are no ratings for this inspection as we do not currently rate small community based independent health services.
- There were systems for identifying, investigating and learning from incidents relating to the safety of patients and staff members.
- The service had clearly defined and embedded systems, processes and practices in place to safeguard patients from abuse.
- The staffing levels were appropriate for the provision of services offered with a good staff skill mix across the service.
- Risk management processes were in place to manage and prevent harm.
- Patient outcomes were reviewed as part of audits or quality improvement.
- Staff had the relevant skills, knowledge and experience to deliver the care and treatment offered by the clinic.
- The clinic shared relevant information with other services appropriately and in a timely way.
- Staff understood the relevant consent and decision-making requirements of legislation and guidance, including the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
- Staff treated patients with dignity and respect.
- Patients were involved in decisions about their care and treatment.
- The service offered flexible appointments to meet the needs of their patients.
- There was a system in place which ensured a clear response to complaints with learning disseminated to staff about the event.
- The clinic had a governance framework that supported the delivery of quality care.
- There was a clear leadership structure; however there was no robust scheme of delegation within the service.
- The service encouraged and valued feedback from patients, the public and staff.
- There was no dedicated clinician input to medicines management. Medicines used at the clinic were being managed by a person who was not a clinician. However after the inspection, we were told by the provider, that Medical Director and Clinical Lead had input into medicines management.
- The provider did not have appropriate medicine storage facilities. Medicines were stored in a plastic storage container.
- The consulting rooms where patients are examined, but which do not have a height adjustable examination table.
- Patients were not given copy of the consent form.
- There was no information available in the clinics informing patients on how to make complaints. The complaint process was not available to patients.