We carried out this announced comprehensive inspection of the acute wards for adults of working age and psychiatric intensive care unit (PICU) and community services for adults of working age services provided by this trust as part of our continual checks on the safety and quality of healthcare services. At our last inspection we rated the provider as good.
We also inspected the well-led key question for the trust overall. We inspected two services, inspected and rated one as good (acute and PICU) and one as requires improvement (community mental health services for adults). Overall, we rated effective, caring, responsive, and well-led as 'good' but safe was rated as 'requires improvement'.
The trust serves a population of 1.3 million people across the London boroughs of Croydon, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark, and employs more than 5,000 staff. Staff provide services to around 41,000 patients in the community and in 716 inpatient beds across 52 inpatient wards. The trust has a turnover of £503 million and broke even in 2020/2021.
The trust provides the following core services:
Acute wards for adults of working age and psychiatric intensive care unit
Long stay/rehabilitation mental health wards for working age adults
Wards for older people with mental health problems
Child and adolescent mental health wards
Forensic inpatient/secure wards
Wards for people with learning disabilities or autism
Mental health crisis services and health-based places of safety
Community-based mental health services for older people
Community-based mental health services for adults of working age
Community services for people with learning disabilities or autism
Specialist community mental health services for children and young people
The trust also provides the following specialist services:
Specialist eating disorder services
Specialist neuropsychiatric services
Substance misuse services
Other national specialist services
We did not inspect long stay/rehabilitation mental health wards for working age adults (previously rated requires improvement) because the services had not had time to make the improvements necessary to meet legal requirements as set out in the action plan the trust sent us after the last inspection. We are monitoring the progress of improvements to services and will re-inspect them when appropriate.
Our rating of services stayed the same. We rated them as good because:
We rated effective, caring and responsive as good and we rated safe as requires improvement. We rated well-led for the trust overall as good.
We rated acute wards for adults of working age and psychiatric intensive care unit as good and community-based mental health services for adults of working age as requires improvement. In rating the trust, we included the existing ratings of the fourteen previously inspected services.
Since the last inspection there had been significant changes to the executive leadership team at the trust and the new members had settled into their roles and were working together effectively. The trust had appointed a chief executive, chief operating officer, chief nurse, and director of communications, stakeholder engagement and public affairs. The trust had also appointed a new board level director of corporate affairs. The trust reviewed leadership capability and capacity on an ongoing basis. The new appointments had given them an opportunity to review how they carried out business and make further improvements.
Since the last inspection the board had a new chair and one new non-executive director. At this inspection we found the trust had an ambitious board, with a wide range of skills and experience who demonstrated dedication and commitment to improving the care delivered to patients by the trust. The non-executive directors all had experience as senior leaders in a range of organisations and brought skills such as a knowledge of finance and investment, strategic development, research, population health, working in partnership and transforming services. The non-executive directors were well supported and challenged effectively by the team of governors.
Board members had completed board development days to better understand and further develop each person’s roles and responsibilities in relation to the strategic direction of the trust. The board understood the plans for the development of the trust both internally and externally and recognised the complexity of achieving their strategic aims.
There was high quality, effective leadership at all levels of the organisation. There were regular board visits to services. Senior staff across the trust modelled open and transparent behaviour. Staff we spoke with during the core service inspections felt supported, valued and respected. Staff spoke about improvements in the culture and felt the trust leaders were more visible and present since we last inspected the trust in 2019.
The trust leadership demonstrated a high level of awareness of the priorities and challenges facing the trust and how these were being addressed. The trust leadership had demonstrated an ability to adapt at a fast-changing pace during the COVID-19 national pandemic. The trust had developed a very pro-active vaccination programme with a high uptake from staff and patients. At the time of the inspection over 85% of all staff had received their first vaccine. Staff provided information and advice to eligible patients regarding the COVID-19 vaccines to alleviate concerns and encourage uptake.
Since the last inspection the trust had embedded the divisional structures and borough-based working for local services. This had strengthened their multi-disciplinary working within each of the trust directorates. They had also further developed their ability to work in partnership with other stakeholders to meet the healthcare needs of the local populations and develop new responsive models of care.
The trust had also strengthened its input into the South London Mental Health and Community Partnership (SLP). The SLP focused on delivering mental health services across south London in partnership with two other NHS trusts. The three trusts collaborated effectively to improve the quality of services, learn from each other, and share functions to maximise the effective use of resources. The SLP had been successful in developing new models of care and ensuring patients were treated in services closer to their homes. The SLP was also involved in provider collaboratives for forensic services, CAMHS, and specialist eating disorder services in south London. The provider collaboratives were responsible for commissioning these services for the population of south London, including from the independent health sector.
The trust collaborated effectively with a range of external partners. The trust worked within a very complex landscape across four London boroughs, four clinical commissioning groups, local alliances, and two integrated care systems. The chief executive had recently led a London-wide project looking at emergency department admissions for children and young people in crisis.
Leaders spoke with insight about the need to work collaboratively to improve existing services. There was a high level of awareness of the need to improve access and flow for a number of its community and inpatient services. It recognised that while the trust could make changes within its own services, long term solutions would only be achieved through partnership working. Managers engaged actively with other local health and social care providers alongside other stakeholders to ensure that an integrated health and care system was commissioned and provided to meet the needs of the local population. For example, the trust was supporting GPs to develop the skills to manage shared care arrangements. The trust was also working within boroughs to support partners in the development of housing, employment and other services to enable people with mental health needs to live successfully in the community.
The trust was committed to working with the local communities. The trust was leading a national piece of work to eliminate the unacceptable racial disparity for patients in terms of access to services, experience of service, and clinical outcomes through the development of the Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF). Once developed this will be rolled out across all the mental health trusts. To address patients’ social and digital exclusion during the pandemic, the trust had worked with the Maudsley Charity to provide digital support and equipment where possible and had set up a telephone befriending service provided by volunteers.
On 16 June 2021, following extensive consultation facilitated by voluntary organisations, the trust alongside the two other South London mental health and community trusts, and councillors from the 12 boroughs participated in the South London Listens Summit. They made pledges to help prevent and address a crisis in mental health services. These included support for young people’s and perinatal mental health, better access to services, work and wages, and addressing social isolation. The trusts introduced mental health champions in every borough and forming mental health hubs to talk and share information. There were 350 community leaders trained as champions, and a social isolation, loneliness, and inclusion strategy was being developed.
The trust had begun the process of developing their five-year ambitions for 2021–2026 as their previous strategy was reaching its end. This included a 12-week engagement programme with staff, local communities, and external partners, to identify key ambitions. The engagement programme was also seeking feedback from service users, carers and governors. The trust had identified early strategic themes linked to the needs of the organisation, the local populations and the health and care system. The senior leadership team was confident in its capability to deliver on the development and implementation of the strategy.
The trust had effective structures, systems and processes in place to support the delivery of its strategy including sub-board committees, divisional committees and team meetings. The board was operating well with quality being a key focus. Sub-committees were working well and governance throughout the services had improved.
Leaders understood the risks within their services and were able to report them and escalate them where required. The board assurance framework was used actively by the board. The risk registers and board assurance framework clearly described how risks would be mitigated and progress was closely monitored. The senior leadership recognised the need to clearly link the framework to the strategic ambitions of the trust. Risks identified in the inspections were already known by the trust and being addressed. The trust, through its audit committee and board development, reviewed its risk appetite annually, and undertook horizon scanning to identify new and emerging areas of risk. There was a balance between workforce, finance and service performance risks.
The standards of cleanliness and maintenance had improved since the last inspection in 2019. The quality of environmental risk assessments had improved. The trust was working hard to improve the quality of the buildings in which it provided care to patients. This included the development of a new centre for children and young people’s mental health services which would bring together leading experts. The Douglas Bennett House development was due to complete in 2023 and will create eight new adult inpatient wards. The leadership team were aware that The Ladywell Centre was not fit for purpose and some estates work had taken place to improve facilities and safety for patients whilst it remains in use.
The trust had responded positively to the previous inspection and worked to make the necessary improvements. For example, we saw progress on physical health monitoring for inpatients and in the community. The trust continued to be part of the physical healthcare work with the Mind and Body Programme, which was committed to providing a programme of work to join up and deliver excellent mental and physical healthcare, research and education to treat the whole person. The Integrating our Mental and Physical Healthcare Systems project (IMPHS) launched in 2019 and was a three-year project focused on closing the mortality gap for people accessing services by improving the physical healthcare on offer to them. The IMPHS project team worked closely with physical health leads to support the trust’s physical health strategy. We saw examples of where improvements had taken place in supporting patients to manage their physical health. Staff working in the clozapine clinic had access to point of care testing facilities. This ensured that patients could have physical health monitoring completed and medicines supplied within a 20-minute appointment. The trust continued to convey a clear message about ensuring the right physical health care in the right place at the right time delivered by the right person. There was still room for improvement in the recording of physical health monitoring on some inpatient wards.
The trust continued to focus on improving patient safety by reducing violence and aggression and the use of restrictive practices. The promoting safe and therapeutic services (PSTS) redesign was on-going and the trust envisioned this would have an impact in the future. This included community involvement in the development of the programme. Ward staff participated in the trust’s restrictive interventions reduction programme including use of the safety huddles, monitoring of low-level incidents, and the use of the Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression tool. The trust was aiming to eliminate prone restraint of patients by training relevant staff to administer rapid tranquilisation in the deltoid muscle (in the arm). The trust had a quality priority to reduce incidents of violence on all wards by 50% and stop prone restraint. Whilst achieving these targets was proving hard, the work was ongoing and closely monitored. There was also a quality improvement project focused on reducing restrictive practice.
The trust had focused on improving patient and carer involvement since the last inspection. The trust’s 2019/2020 quality report said there had been an increase in the number of patients and carers attending the trust board and sub-committees. All quality improvement workstreams at the trust were coproduced, codesigned or had patient and/or carer involvement in projects. They were supported by the trust’s patient and public involvement (PPI) leads. Patients and carers were able to join the trust’s involvement register with support and opportunities in place to undertake paid tasks. Since the previous inspection, the scope of work undertaken by those on the register had significantly expanded. The trust had committed to improving identification of patient’s carers, and membership of the Triangle of Care scheme (promoting partnership between patients, carers and staff). Patients, staff and carers were able to meet with members of the trust’s leadership team to give feedback. Patient stories were routinely presented at board meetings.
The trust leadership had actively engaged with staff. The chief executive held regular open meetings with staff and during Covid-19. The chief executive and trust chair had held weekly broadcasts since March 2020, these had been twice weekly during the first national lockdown. These were used to share key messages with staff. In 2020, the trust had introduced the Listening into Action (LiA) programme with the aim of ‘making [the trust] a GREAT place to work’. The LiA programme was focused on quick and positive improvements for staff. The trust had conducted a survey which over 60% of staff completed to identify areas for improvement. They had taken action to address issues raised including reviewing the disciplinary procedure and rewarding staff for their work during the pandemic with an extra annual leave day.
Quality improvement was well embedded across the trust and over 1,000 staff had been trained in the methodology. During the inspection staff spoke about the quality improvement projects taking place within their services. Monthly performance and quality meetings took place for both inpatient and community services and management systems were in place and reported through the various sub-committees to the trust board. However, some further work was needed to ensure learning from quality improvement projects was shared across the four boroughs.
Staff provided care that was personalised, holistic and recovery orientated. Staff treated patients with compassion and kindness. They respected patients’ privacy and dignity. Staff tried to proactively involve families and carers in patient care although this had proved challenging during the COVID-19 restrictions. Staff understood how to protect patients from abuse and the services worked with other agencies to do so.
Processes for identifying and managing financial risk were well understood by the board. The board had a track record of ensuring financial control totals were delivered. The finance department was considered to have strength and was resilient. The trust had received bridging capital from the NHS, to funds its two large estate modernisation projects pending the sale of other trust assets. At the time of the inspection the trust told us that it had not yet finalised the terms and timing of the repayments. However, the formal loan agreement was signed following the inspection. In addition, the trust was planning to invest £12m capital in 2021- 2022 on digital and smaller estates maintenance and development projects.
At a national and international level there was a strong research base and system-leading research was taking place. Opportunities for research were explored and supported. Staff at the trust were heavily involved in innovative research and development work and were regularly published in clinical journals. The Pears Maudsley Centre for Children and Young Peoples was bringing together leading experts in care and research from the trust and another leading organisation in the field. The two organisations were working together to create a centre of care for young people. There was a focus on the potential of research to identify mental health difficulties early and transform treatment and care of children and young people in the UK and internationally.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic some face-to-face mandatory training had not been delivered. This resulted in trust-wide poor compliance for certain short courses which could impact on patient safety. The trust leadership were aware of this and had various mitigating actions in place to improve compliance by July 2021.
Whilst the trust had a workforce strategy and the executive team had succeeded in reducing the trust-wide vacancy rate, staff recruitment and retention was still an issue. There were a high number of nursing vacancies (21.3%) and staff turnover was also high (11%). Some staff on the acute wards told us escorted patients’ leave was sometimes cancelled or postponed due to staff shortages although the frequency was not accurately monitored.
At the time of the inspection there were significant bed pressures across the trust. Patient flow remained a significant challenge for the trust and the trust had appointed a flow director and flow leads who had daily contact with the inpatient wards. The trust had significantly reduced out-of-area placements as part of the multi-year patient flow programme although these had started to increase again. Whilst male patients in the psychiatric intensive care units were now moving to an acute ward when this was clinically appropriate, there were still challenges for female patients. There was a quality improvement project in place to address this and these moves were being prioritised.
Within community services some teams reported high caseloads, waiting lists for non-urgent referrals and some long waits for some individual psychological therapies. However, the community services were implementing a redesign programme which aligned to the NHS Mental Health Implementation Plan. Staff were enthusiastic about the change programme and could see the value of the intended outcome and how this aligned with their work. The aim of this service redesign was to speed up patient access and flow through services, reduce staff vacancies, increase multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) and improve outcomes for patients and patient experience.
Within most teams, staff completed risk assessments for each patient using the trust’s risk assessment tool and reviewed this regularly, including after any incident. Information was detailed and up-to-date and showed evidence of patient involvement. However, we found examples where patient records were not up-to-date and risk assessments were not reviewed. Team managers were aware of the issues with recording and updating risk assessments and providing support to improve the performance of staff and this was reported at the directorate’s performance and quality meetings.
The trust had improved waits for Mental Health Act assessments since 2019 and had built strong relationships with the police, ambulance services and approved mental health professionals. However, many services still reported long waits for assessment with an average of 12 days. The trust held regular forums with the associated police borough commanders where this issue was continually reviewed. Within the service redesign there was a crisis care programme which included a workstream focusing on improving the MHA assessment pathway. The trust was leading on a system-wide MHA assessment summit in summer 2021 with a goal to develop an action plan to further review and address MHA assessment delays.
The trust was working to improve its culture but recognised there was more work to do. Despite the trust’s equalities strategy, the commitment from the trust leadership for the organisation to be anti-racist, a race equality conference taking place, the progress with staff networks and many other actions there still was considerable ongoing work required to improve the experience of some Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff working for the trust. One of the trust’s key actions from the Workforce and Organisational Development Strategy (2020 to 2023) was to establish a BAME Leadership Academy Programme specifically focusing on talent management, succession planning and career development for staff from a BAME background. The aim of the programme was to create greater levels of sustainable inclusion by addressing the social, organisational and psychological barriers restricting BAME staff from progressing. The trust had made improvements in the results of the Work Force Equality Standard (WRES) and NHS Staff Survey but there was more to do. In particular BAME staff were still overrepresented in comparison to white staff in formal disciplinary procedures.
Incidents and complaints were investigated, and lessons were shared with staff to minimise the risk of them happening again. However, the quality of the serious incident reports was variable; some were well written, others were less well written and lacked clear terms of reference.
The trust had a learning from deaths process in place and this was led by a member of the executive. Staff in services told us that learning from deaths and serious incidents was shared. The documented findings presented to the board were brief and it was not always clear whether learning had taken place. There were plans to strengthen this and share the learning more widely.
Compliance with the duty of candour could be improved, as the trust's own internal audit found that only 37% of letters to patients and families following incidents included a clear documented apology. In response to this the trust was planning an animated film regarding duty of candour with the communications team and a bulletin on the topic had been issued to staff in April 2020. There were plans for a re-audit to take place in October 2021. Staff told us they knew how to deliver duty of candour and were supported to do so when required.
Some staff experienced problems with IT equipment, such as mobile telephones and laptop computers, and significant delays in having these issues addressed. Staff also reported new starters had long waiting times for equipment and access to the trust’s electronic systems.
How we carried out the inspection
We used CQC’s interim methodology for monitoring services during the COVID-19 pandemic including on site and remote interviews by phone or online.
We visited 10 out of the trust’s 47 community based mental health teams which included a mix of assessment and liaison, early intervention and promoting recovery teams. For adults of working age and psychiatric intensive care units (PICUs) we also used a sampling approach. We inspected 10 of the 22 wards operational at the time of the inspection.
During the community services inspection, the inspection team:
- observed a handover meeting for one community-based team
- observed a zoning meeting for one community-based team
- observed a referral meeting for one community-based team
- observed a team meeting for one community-based team
- conducted a tour of the environment for seven community-based teams
- conducted a tour of the clinic rooms for three community-based teams
- spoke with one occupational therapist, five registered nurses and two social workers, three care coordinators, and four senior practitioners
- spoke with a psychotherapist and three clinical psychologists
- spoke with a senior clinical pharmacist and a pharmacy technician
- spoke with the four mental health advocates
- spoke with five consultant psychiatrists and one GP trainee
- spoke with five team managers, three team leaders, three modern matrons, three clinical service leads, one general manager of services and one deputy director
- spoke with 31 patients and 10 carers over the 10 teams
- looked at 55 patient care and treatment records
- reviewed documents relating to the running of the service
- carried out an anonymous staff survey for all staff in the teams inspected, for which we received 12 responses.
For the adults of working age and PICUs inspection, the inspection team:
- visited 10 inpatient wards, and looked at the environment, medicines and observed interactions between staff and patients
- attended staff handover meetings on eight wards
- spoke with 23 patients by telephone and met with 6 patients in person
- spoke with nine relatives/carers of patients on the wards
- spoke with 46 members of staff in person or by telephone or video conference, including ward managers, registered and non-registered nurses, doctors, occupational therapists, psychologists, domestic staff, an activities coordinator, a psychotherapist and a pharmacist
- carried out an anonymous staff survey for all staff on the wards inspected, for which we received 36 responses
- looked at the care records of 69 patients
- looked at 53 medicines administration records for patients
- reviewed the recent incident reports for this service
- reviewed specific policies and documentation relevant to this core service
You can find further information about how we carry out our inspections on our website: www.cqc.org.uk/what-we-do/how-we-do-our-job/what-we-do-inspection.
What people who use the service say
Patients told us that staff treated them with compassion and kindness. They said that staff respected patients’ privacy and dignity. Patients said staff were attentive, non-judgemental and caring and tailored care to individual needs. Patients also reported staff provided help, emotional support and advice when they needed it. Patients said staff treated them well and were responsive to their needs.