• Organisation

Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings
Important: We are carrying out checks on locations registered by this provider. We will publish the reports when our checks are complete.

Report from 10 July 2024 assessment

Ratings - Specialist eating disorder services

  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive

    Requires improvement

  • Well-led


Our view of the service

Cilantro Suite is a 10-bed mixed sex ward for people over the age of 18 with a diagnosis of eating disorders as defined by the Mental Health Act. The service is provided by Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.

This service was last inspected in May 2014 and rated Good overall. We rated the service good for safe, effective, caring, well led and requires improvement for responsive.

A CQC Mental Health Act Reviewer visited the service on ward on 13 February 2024. They received mixed feedback from people using the service. People spoke positively about most staff who they described as kind, friendly and helpful. They spoke highly about the night staff because they had time to spend with them and listened to their views. People said if they had concerns, they waited for the night staff to come on duty to share their concerns with them and they felt safe when the night staff were on duty. People spoke highly about the ward’s psychologist and valued their interventions which contributed towards their recovery. People had concerns about lack of involvement in their care plans, attitude of some staff that included staff using inappropriate language at mealtimes, lack of response to their concerns and complaints and some people not having their specific dietary needs met.

On the day of the onsite assessment on 10 April 2024,there were 8 people using the service. Off site assessment activity started on 11 April 2024 and ended on 25 April 2024. We looked at 13 quality statements; safeguarding; Involving people to manage risks; safe environment; safe and effective staffing; infection prevention and control; assessing needs; delivering evidence-based care and treatment; consent to care and treatment; kindness, compassion and dignity; responding to people’s immediate needs; listening to and involving people; capable compassionate and inclusive leadership; governance, management and sustainability. We spoke with 7 people, 3 of their relatives and 11 staff.

People's experience of this service

There was mixed feedback from people who used the service. Some people told us they did not always get an apology when things went wrong. People said that some staff could be rude and abrupt. People said that not all staff were trained in eating disorders which could impact on their recovery. They said there were not always enough staff available. One person said they did not have time to prepare for their care plan review meeting. They said some staff did not always explain why they could not go outside to do an activity. People said they knew how to raise concerns and were supported to do so. However, they did not always feel action was taken as a result.

People said they were involved in their care plans and risk assessments. People’s relatives told us they were involved in their relatives care as much as they wanted them to be. People said they felt safe at the hospital. People said the ward was always clean, they could personalise their bedrooms and the ward was well maintained. People’s relatives said they were involved in their relative’s care plan if they wanted them to be. People said they had support from therapists and had therapy which met their needs. People were involved in making decisions about their care and treatment. People told us that most staff were kind and caring.