We carried out an inspection on 15th May 2014. We talked with the provider and we reviewed information they showed us. We met and spent time the person who lived at Olcote. The person was able to express their views about the service and we saw they appeared to be well and contented with the care and support.We considered our inspection findings to answer the questions we always ask;
Is the service safe?
From our observations and from the information we saw in care plans, policies, procedures and records the provider's safety monitoring systems were robust. The provider showed that they had a clear understanding of their role in providing care and safeguarding the person they supported. They demonstrated that they knew the person very well and understood their support needs.
We saw evidence in the care plans and from talking with the person they were able to make decisions and they were able to go out when and where they wished.
The provider understood about the risk management and detailed plans had been written for all the areas of care and support. The provider demonstrated that they understood how to show people respect and maintain people's dignity at all times.
The provider told us that there were no deprivations of liberty safeguards in place at Olcote.
The provider demonstrated that they were aware of the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberties and knew when to use these. We saw that carers would have access to all the information they required to maintain safe levels of care and support.
Systems were in place to make sure that the provider learned from events such as accidents and incidents, complaints and concerns. This meant that the person living at Olcote was benefiting from a service that was taking on board lessons learnt.
Is the service effective?
The person's health and care needs had been assessed and care plans were in place. There was evidence of the person and their representative has been involved in care plans and annual reviews.
The person's health care needs were regularly assessed and detailed in the care and health action plans. Specialist health and social care professionals regularly gave input to the person's care. All care, activity and risk assessment plans were reviewed regularly and were up to date.
We saw that the person who lived at Olcote was supported to continue to develop their learning, independence and health care.
Is the service caring?
We observed during our visit and saw in person's care plans that the person had a full and active life. The person had a wide range of interests and took part in a wide range of leisure and social activities.
The provider demonstrated to us that they were committed to providing the best level of care for the person who used the service. They were aware of potential risks, the person's rights and their responsibilities.
Is the service responsive?
We found that the care plan was person centred and contained detailed information about the person's needs and preferences.
There was regular input from external social care and health professionals when needed. We saw that the provider had satisfaction questionnaire for the service user, their family and representatives to comment on the service provided at Olcote. The surveys we looked at were all very positive.
We were told about and we saw that the provider received regular training to meet the support needs of the person who used the service.
We were told by the provider how the person would be supported if a hospital admission was required. The person had a hospital passport with information about themselves and their care needs to take with them if they required a stay in hospital.
Is the service well-led?
The provider had supported this person for many years. They demonstrated to us that they knew the person very well. They undertook regularly learning activities to maintain and up to date level of knowledge. We saw evidence that the provider was experienced and skilled in the provision of care.
The provider had a quality assurance system in place. Records seen by us showed that any shortfalls identified had been addressed.